showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Final Fantasy Legend  Square1989
[100]***The Final Fantasy Legend takes you on a sensational voyage through four fastastic worlds: Land, Ocean, Space and Future City. You and your band of warriors seek to overpower Zombies, Goblins and dreadful monsters hidden along the way. Secret clues lead you to the exotic weapons and treasures you'll need to stay alive. Your Quest? To save Paradise from the evil Ashura Devils-they're wicked and treacherous!

It takes all the spirit and cunning you can muster to claim victory. Once you've started there's no turning back. Are you daring enough?***
[37]***First RPG for the Game Boy. An overall good game with decent graphics, nice - but repetitive - music. The four worlds you visit during your journey to the top of a tower are not very big, but that doesn't mean that Final Fantasy Legend isn't a complex and full-grown RPG. Your party consists of up to four members, which can be from three different races - humans, mutants and monsters. All of them have a different way to improve their stats. Humans by buying them special potions, mutants automatically learn via monster fights and monsters become more powerful by eating meat from other slain enemies. In my eyes, there are some rather annoying gameplay elements that prevent this game to be a top game. Weapons only have a certain number of attack loads until they would be used up and you have to buy a new one. Inventory space is very limited and thus managing your items can be hard. Constant boring monster-grinding is a must to get enough gold for weapons, magic etc. You can save your game everywhere, but that can result in saving in the wrong place where death is imminent and you must start the game from the beginning, because there is only one save slot available.***A fantastic RPG about four warriors ascending a monster-filled tower to fight the evil archfiend Ashura and reach paradise.

The game has average graphics, but wonderful music and an incredible atmosphere and storyline that makes it one of the best Game Boy cartridges ever released - despite its age!